臺灣區塊鏈大聯盟與 British Office Taipei 英國在台辦事處、InnoVEX、COMPUTEX 共同合作辦理 Security Raided by Tech-Scale-Ups 區塊鏈資訊安全技術升級線上交流會!活動特別邀請亞洲.矽谷計劃執行中心詹副執行長、英國在台辦事處貿易與投資 Stephanie Ashmore 署長致詞,以及邀請英國國際貿易部的資安專家 Chris Lambert 分享英國國家網路資安中心的目標任務、英國資安生態系、英國資安領域的現況等議題。資安應用則邀請英國SentryBay、Sophos公司及我國區塊鏈資安應用公司 BlockChain Security、CYBAVO 分享區塊鏈資安的創新解決方案,在全球迎接數位轉型的浪潮中,發展新興的商業模式開闢商機藍海!歡迎大家線上觀看交流會,踴躍分享給同好!
♦ 線上交流會影片連結
About UK Company
1. SentryBay-SentryBay are pioneers in developing technology that approaches security issues from a different – and more proactive – perspective.
Endpoint data protection is essential to provide a secure cloud-based IT ecosystem that avoids the weaknesses inherent in both technology and users.
The creation of SentryBay’s “secure framework” within which applications can run – underpinned by multi-layered anti-keylogging technology – finally allows these weaknesses to be overcome.
2. Sophos-Sophos evolves to meet every new challenge, protecting more than 400,000 organizations of all sizes in more than 150 countries from today’s most advanced cyber threats. Powered by SophosLabs, our cloud-native and AI-enhanced solutions are able to adapt and evolve to secure endpoints and networks against never-before-seen cybercriminal tactics and techniques.
About Taiwan Company
1. BlockChain Security-We provide the latest applications concerning blockchain, evidence preservation and data forensics. We will continue introducing these modern applications to more diverse fields and scenarios in different industries. Utilizing these new technologies, we can bring a combination of safety, security and life convenience to the enterprises and the public.
2. CYBAVO-CYBAVO’s mission is to provide blockchain, business--ready applications to our customers, to help them managing digital assets and protect them with the most robust security technologies.