AI早已發展數十年,但隨著感測器微型化、智慧化、低功耗、高整合等特點,使AI 從雲端延伸至各個裝置中,啟動智慧生活開端。

SEMICON Taiwan 2019國際半導體展期間舉辦「微機電暨感測器論壇」,特邀奧迪汽車、BOSCH、神盾股份有限公司、聯發科技等各領域專家為您剖析加速智慧未來實現的關鍵感測技術。



Human beings currently experience a fast-changing world, which is overwhelmed by artificial intelligence (AI) in all kinds of aspects, thus greatly influencing our life, and this is just the beginning. Although AI has been developed for several decades, its progress is not significant until miniaturized, high performance and cost-effective sensors available. However, there are still many challenges hindering the real implementation of AI into our life (i.e., edge or local), including handling of trillion raw data from sensors, limited bandwidth and speed of wireless communication, and insufficient capacity and calculation efficiency of cloud. As such, this brings “Edge Sensing to Edge AI for Life” to be the main theme of the 2019 SEMICON Taiwan MEMS & Sensors Forum. The invited presentations this year will unveil the state-of-the-art Edge technology and local intelligence in sensors, modules, and application scenarios, as well as their eco-systems such as edge computing, 5G communication, cloud, big data, algorithm, and AI layers, thus enabling a real Edge era. Foreseeing the trends enabled by the Edge era, the forum this year features four categories including automotive and AI/Applications/Smart Life, with excellent presentations offered by flagship companies worldwide.