IC Tech in the AI Era

AI 發展已經到了一個關鍵的轉折點。大語言模型(LLM)最近引起了極大的關注,並且需要大量計算來進行AI 模型訓練和推理。在當前AI時代,IC設計將面臨巨大的挑戰,想藉著不斷縮小半導體工藝來滿足性能、功耗、面積和成本的目標,將會越來越困難。巨大的計算需求帶來了高性能、高頻寬和高能源效率的需求,複雜的IC設計也增加了設計成本和對高技能人才的需求。

當然AI 也帶來新的機會。AI 可以為IC產品賦予新的功能,同時也有可能成為IC行業提高效率的關鍵工具。此外,開源處理機架構可以提供強大而靈活的設計元件來實現複雜的AI運算架構。這些都為IC產業帶來了革命性的新機遇!

即將於2023年10月12日台北國際會議中心2樓所舉辦的 “IC Tech in the AI Era”系列活動將包含上午場次,由 IEEE CAS Taipei 所主辦的CASIF Taipei 2023,主題聚焦在 AI 時代IC設計的困難與挑戰,透過台積電、聯發科的專家演講與座談,共同討論未來方向與契機。下午場次,則由台灣RISC-V聯盟所主辦的 2023 RISC-V Taipei Day,來探討RISC-V開源處理器架構在 AI時代,如何為複雜的 IC系統與AI運算架構賦能。本系列活動極具價值,非常歡迎任何有興趣瞭解最先進 IC技術的人參與。活動免費參加並有午餐供應。

此外,也推薦 10月13日上午的TIARA (台灣半導體產學研發聯盟) 舉辦的半導體青研論壇,地點在TIE Expo世貿展覽一館2樓,也對IC 半導體人才的職涯規劃,有很精彩的分享。





梁伯嵩 博士|聯發科技 資深處長 (IEEE CASS Taipei 台北分會主席)

Remarks & Photo

陸國宏博士|聯發科技 資深副總經理

楊佳玲 博士|國家科學及技術委員會 科技辦公室 副執行秘書

邱求慧 博士|經濟部產業技術司 司長

Introduction of IEEE CAS Society

鄭桂忠 博士|清華大學電機系 教授 (IEEE CASS RAM(Region 10) 副總)


張孟凡 博士|台積電 處長

主持人: 梁伯嵩 博士|聯發科技 資深處長

The increasing demand for advanced IC design necessitates innovation across the entire semiconductor technology stack. Recent breakthroughs in CMOS technology, 3D-IC, and memory-wall issue show great promise. To further propel technological advancement, it is imperative to address the global talent shortage in the semiconductor industry through collaboration between industry and academia to incubate new talent.

Edge AI Application Evolution – Opportunity and Challenge

陸忠立 博士|聯發科技 計算與人工智能技術群 本部協理

主持人: 吳安宇 博士|台灣大學電機系 教授 (聯發科技-台灣大學創新研究中心 主任 | IEEE Fellow)

Over the years, edge AI has made significant strides, transitioning from applications like photo classification and face detection to enhancing video and gaming picture quality. The advent of generative AI has further propelled innovation, revolutionizing our life experiences. However, due to intensive computational and memory requirements, current generative AI applications primarily rely on cloud infrastructure.

In this presentation, we aim to explore the emerging trend of shifting from a cloud-centric approach to a collaborative cloud-edge paradigm for generative AI technologies. We will delve into the multitude of opportunities and challenges that lie ahead when supporting generative AI on edge devices. This transformation entails a synergetic blend of technological advancements, enhancements in hardware architecture, and the reduction of computational complexities, ultimately enabling the realization of novel generative AI applications.

Panel Discussion
Taiwan's AI Computing Journey: Challenges and Opportunities


張世杰 博士|工研院電光所 所長


李鎮宜 博士|陽明交通大學 副校長

張孟凡 博士|台積電 處長

陸忠立 博士|聯發科技 計算與人工智能技術群 本部協理

林志明 董事長|晶心科技 董事長暨執行長

侯拓宏 博士|台灣半導體研究中心 主任


Opening : RISC-V科技領先全球

林志明|台灣RISC-V聯盟 會長 (晶心科技 董事長暨執行長)

RISC-V 已然與 x86、ARM分庭抗禮,成為未來數十年全球三大領先指令集之一,為嵌入式系統晶片設計師之首選;RISC-V International Association及全球菁英社群協助貢獻新規格、新指令集,推動RISC-V處理器朝向更全面性分布發展,本次演講中將說明RISC-V International Association在推出RISC-V處理器新規格與新指令集的努力與成績,討論近幾年所著墨的數項領先領域,及全球各相關廠商在推出相關處理器或系統晶片的各項應用範圍與成品;並以在推動建立更完善的 RISC-V生態系上的努力,持續達成RISC-V 科技領先全球作結論。

Welcome Remark

李志鵬 博士|國科會工程技術研究發展處 處長

王其國 博士|台灣物聯網產業技術協會 理事長


Welcome Note

Lu Dai|Board Chair, RISC-V International (Senior Director, Technical Standards, Qualcomm)

RISC-V is Inevitable

Ms. Calista Redmond|CEO, RISC-V International

RISC-V adoption has accelerated across domains, from embedded to enterprise, from automotive to HPC. RISC-V has grown faster than any other architecture in history with both technical and business advantages. We are in the era of open computing as opportunities for custom microprocessors grow exponentially and barriers to innovation and markets are overcome through collaboration. Join me to hear about the success of RISC-V across industries, geographies, and stakeholders. We’ll take a look at thought leaders ranging from multinationals to start-ups and the progress they’re making both independently and collaboratively. You’ll come away with an understanding of the technical advantages, business variables, and explosive opportunity that have compelled investment and engagement in the RISC-V community as we together drive commercialization and adoption of RISC-V everywhere.

Bridging the Divide: Unifying RISC-V through Binary Translation

Dr. Philipp Tomsich|Technologist and Founder of VRULL(Chair of the Applications & Tools Committee, RISC-V International)

In the ever-evolving landscape of RISC-V ISA, binary translation emerges as a critical enabler for its continuous evolution and innovation, effectively managing the potential fragmentation that accompanies the introduction of new extensions and instructions. This ensures seamless backward compatibility and accelerates RISC-V adoption by offering effortless migration from legacy architectures.

Binary translation is a well-established technology with widespread high-profile implementations. Recognized as an infrastructure or "public utility," it demands open-source accessibility to maximize its benefits for the entire RISC-V community. To spearhead the development and ongoing stewardship of a free and open multi-ISA binary translation framework, we have recently launched a non-profit initiative.

Scalable RISC-V for Digital Transformation

Wei-Han, Lien|Chief CPU Architect and Senior Fellow Architecture, Tenstorrent

The human race is entering an era in which digital technology is profoundly transforming every aspect of human life. Digital transformation refers to the use of digital technologies to revolutionize business operations and enhance customer experiences. It involves adopting innovative tools and strategies to improve efficiency, agility, and competitiveness in an increasingly digitized world. In this context, RISC-V, an open-source instruction set architecture (ISA), can play a significant role.

RISC-V offers customization, flexibility, and vendor independence, making it valuable for organizations embracing digital transformation. Its open-source nature allows businesses to design, modify, and implement processors based on RISC-V specifications without proprietary licensing constraints. This enables the creation of processors tailored to specific workloads, optimizing performance, energy efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.

By lowering entry barriers for semiconductor startups and companies, RISC-V fosters innovation and the development of specialized hardware solutions. This adaptability makes it suitable for integrating with emerging technologies like AI and IoT, making RISC-V a foundational technology for digital transformation initiatives seeking to leverage these innovations.

Tenstorrent's RISC-V processor can further enhance the digital transformation journey with its advanced capabilities and unique features. Tenstorrent develops AI processors based on the RISC-V architecture. AI is a crucial component of digital transformation, and Tenstorrent's RISC-V processor is designed to excel in handling AI workloads. Tenstorrent’s wide-range of superscalar RISC-V IP's support cloud computing/storage servers, enable edge computing for real time power-efficient processing, and support connecting IoT devices to gather data essential for digital transformation.

By combining the strengths of RISC-V with a specialized focus on AI and data processing, Tenstorrent's RISC-V processor is positioned to accelerate digital transformation initiatives. Its ability to handle AI workloads efficiently, support edge computing and IoT devices, enable data analytics, promote customization, drive innovation, and enhance security makes it a valuable asset for organizations seeking to leverage AI and data-driven insights to transform their businesses.

Extending RISC-V Intelligence from Cloud to Edge

蘇泓萌 博士|晶心科技 總經理暨技術長

Equipped with RISC-V's powerful Vector ISA and automated customer extension framework, Andes solutions have been adopted in over a dozen innovated datacenter AI/ML accelerators such as Meta’s MTIA first generation silicon. At the same time, the needs for intelligence or more intelligence are fast rising in many edge applications such as ADAS, AR/VR, 5G base stations, SSD Storage, and even general-purpose MCU/MPU. AI/ML is used to improve existing features such as noise reduction for earbuds and picture enhancement for image sensor processors as well as to apply to new areas such as 5G network optimizations.

In this talk, we will discuss the rising demands for intelligence everywhere, and illustrate existing solutions for the Cloud AI and how they are being adopted in the edge applications, using AndesAIRE™ (Andes AI Runs Everywhere) solutions as an example.

人工智慧與汽車產業的趨勢:個性化、隱私、數據保護和 RISC-V 上的 LLM

魏國章|臺灣發展軟體科技股份有限公司 行銷長暨執行副總


人工智能領域的最新趨勢是將大型語言模型(LLMs)和基礎模型作為下一代人工智能基礎架構,用于為AI SoC(系統芯片)提供先進功能。LLMs經過大規模的文本和代碼數據集的訓練,能夠執行廣泛的任務,甚至具備推理能力。使用RISC-V來運行LLMs的AI SoC的一個優勢是它是一種開放架構。這意味著它不受單一公司控制,使其更加安全、可靠,並具有設計自由。


在本次演講中,我們將討論人工智能與汽車領域的最新趨勢,重点關注個性化、隱私和數據保護。同時,我們還將探討使用RISC-V來運行LLMs的AI SoC的優勢。



Panel Discussion


陳添福 教授|國立陽明交通大學資訊學院 副院長 / 教授


Dr. Philipp Tomsich|Founder and Chief Technologist, VRULL

Mr. Wei-Han, Lien|Chief CPU Architect and Senior Fellow Architecture, Tenstorrent

蘇泓萌 博士|晶心科技 總經理暨技術長

賴俊豪|臺灣發展軟體科技股份有限公司 董事長

林東瑩|台灣新思科技業務行銷 副總經理

王成淵|聯華電子市場行銷處 執行處長





RISC-V Taipei Day






+886-2-2577-4249 ext. 845
