Date: 09 / 25, 2020 (五)
Time: 13:00-17:00
11568 台北市南港區經貿二路 1 號
王其國 總經理 (台灣RISC-V聯盟會長)
曹世綸 全球行銷長暨台灣區總裁
RISC-V International
林志明 總經理 (台灣RISC-V聯盟副會長)
徐國程 副總經理
姚嘉洋 資深分析師
徐志亮 嵌入式平台 亞洲區經理
Mentor, a Siemens Business
黃英哲 教授 (主持人)
國立中山大學 資訊工程學系
Dr. Alex Wang, President, Powerchip Technology
王其國博士現任(臺灣)力晶科技公司總經理,在半導體產業有35年技術研發、事業管理經驗。在2005年參加力晶前擔任(臺灣)華邦電子公司記憶產品事業群總經理。曾在(美國矽谷)創業Programmable Microelectronics 公司任CEO,並曾服務於Fairchild, Intel和Samsung 公司。
王其國畢業于國立臺灣大學,並獲美國香檳城伊利諾大學碩士及博士學位,指導教授為CMOS發明人薩支唐 (C.T. Sah)教授。
Dr. Wang is president of Powerchip Technology Corporation in Taiwan. Prior to joining Powerchip in 2005, he was General Manager of Memory Group at Winbond Electronics. Dr. Wang has more than 30 years experience in the semiconductor industry encompassing technology and product development, and business and corporate management. He had start-up experience as CEO and president of Programmable Microelectronics Corp. in San Jose, California. Dr. Wang had also previously worked for Fairchild, Intel and Samsung.
Dr. Wang received B.S. in Physics at National Taiwan University, and Ph.D. in Physics at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
As the Global Chief Marketing Officer and President of SEMI Taiwan, Terry Tsao leads global marketing activities at SEMI, including strategic, operational, product, and communications marketing. Tsao also oversees the association’s programs, products, and services in Taiwan, and he is also responsible for relationships with SEMI members as well as with representatives of local industry, government, and academia. Additionally, he supports SEMI international programs serves members worldwide. He also managed SEMI South East Asia operation for 6 years as the President of SEMI South East Asia.
Prior to joining SEMI, Tsao was Managing Director of International Data Corporation in Taiwan. He has also served as APAC Marketing Director for Trend Micro, and held various management positions in Far Eastone Telecommunications, and Ogilvy.
Tsao holds an MBA from Baruch College City University, New York, and an Executive MBA from National Taiwan University.
Calista Redmond is the CEO of RISC-V International with a mission to expand and engage RISC-V stakeholders, compel industry adoption, and increase visibility and opportunity for RISC-V within and beyond RISC-V International. Prior to RISC-V International, Calista held a variety of roles at IBM, including Vice President of IBM Z Ecosystem where she led strategic relationships across software vendors, system integrators, business partners, developer communities, and broader engagement across the industry. Focus areas included execution of commercialization strategies, technical and business support for partners, and matchmaker to opportunities across the IBM Z and LinuxOne community. Calista’s background includes building and leading strategic business models within IBM’s Systems Group through open source initiatives including OpenPOWER, OpenDaylight, and Open Mainframe Project.
、銷售和行銷工作。 1995年,在擔任了四年CPU晶片產品線業務與行銷部門經
他由領導ASIC業務發展開始,歷經帶領ASIC Implementation、晶片後端生產服務
案於 2005年三月正式成立晶心科技股份有限公司(Andes),林總經理並為協
同創辦人,Andes成立後,他自2006年以來就正式擔任Andes 總經理。
產業嵌入式CPU IP的領先供應商之一。 Andes還贏得了領先的技術公司的聲譽,
例如2012年被EE-Times 列為全球Silicon 60 Hot Start-up to Watch,2015年德勤頒贈
Asia-Pacific Technology Fast 500獎座等;2015年,林總經理獲得了台灣卓越技術
Frankwell Lin,
Andes Technology President and RISC-V International Association
Board Director
President Lin started his career being as application engineer in United
Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) while UMC was an IDM with its own chip
products, he experienced engineering, product planning, sales, and marketing jobs
with various product lines in UMC. In 1995, after four years working on CPU chip
product line as business director, he was transferred to UMC-Europe branch office to
be its GM when UMC reshaped to do wafer foundry service, he lead UMC-Europe to
migrate itself from selling IDM products to selling wafer foundry service. In 1998,
after 14 years working in UMC, President Lin switched job to work in Faraday
Technology Corporation (Faraday), he lead ASIC business development as starting,
then on-and-off leading ASIC implementation, chip backend service, IP business
development, industry relationship development (IR), as well as Faraday's
spokesperson, in 2004, he started to lead the CPU project spin off operation of
Faraday. President Lin became co-founder of Andes Technology Corporation (Andes)
in 2005 when it was found up, he formally took position to be Andes' President since
2006. President Lin received BSEE degree of Electrophysics from the National Chiao-
Tung University, Taiwan, and MSEE degree of Electrical and Computer Engineering
from Portland State University, Oregon, USA. Under his management, Andes has
been recognized as one of leading suppliers of embedded CPU IP in semiconductor
industry. Andes also won the reputation of leading technology company with awards
such like 2012 EE Times worldwide Silicon 60 Hot Startups to Watch, 2015 the
Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific award, etc. In 2015, President Lin received
accolade award of Outstanding Technology Management Performance, Taiwan, for
his contribution to the high-tech industry.
▸ 經歷 :
芯原台灣 – 副總經理 平台解決方案銷售及技術服務
思略科技 – 應用工程部部經理
▸ 學歷 :
國立交通大學 - 資訊工程學系 碩士/學士
Michael Shyu
VeriSilicon Microelectronics - VP of Platform Solution Sales and Technical Support
Celestry Design Technology – Director of AE
National Chiao Tung University – Computer Science Engineering (BD/MD)
Education: B.B.A., Hsuan Chuang University. Yao has seven years of experience as a technology news journalist providing in-depth reporting on topics such as EDA, processors, MCU, and analog components. As a senior analyst at TRI, His current research areas include co-opetitive strategies between IDMs and fabless companies, as well as chip design and its related applications.
徐志亮任職於Mentor, a Siemens Business嵌入式平台部門的亞洲區域經理,在即時作業系統,嵌入式Linux,客製化嵌入式軟體服務,以及開發工具方面擁有20年的經驗。
在加入Mentor之前,徐志亮曾在MontaVista擔任大中華區和南亞區域協理。 也曾任Wind River開發工具部門的事業開發經理。
Julian Hsu is the regional manager of Asia for embedded platform solutions at Mentor, a Siemens Business, with 20 years of experience on RTOS, embedded Linux, professional services, and development tools.
Prior to join Mentor, Julian worked for MontaVista, as regional director for Greater China and South Asia. And has also been business development manager for the development tools group of Wind River Systems.
Julian has a MS in Computer Engineering and Science from Yuan-Ze University, and a BS in Information Computer Engineering from Chung Yuan Christian University.
黃教授為中山大學日月光半導體講座教授、特聘教授,以及中山大學數位內容及多媒體技術中心主任;過去曾擔任中山大學產學營運中心副主任、中山大學資工系系主任、VLSI Design/CAD Symposium 2016大會主席。此外,黃教授亦榮獲許多獎項之肯定,包含:中國工程師學會「傑出工程教授獎」(2007)、國立中山大學產學績優獎(2016)、發明獎(2005、2007)、德國紐倫堡國際發明展「金牌」(2011)、瑞士日內瓦國際發明展二座「銀牌」(2013)、台北國際發明展「金牌」及「銀牌」(2013)、經濟部「103年國家發明創作獎」發明獎「銀牌」(2014)、科技部「未來科技突破獎」(2018)、中山大學優良導師獎(1999) 等。
Ing-Jer Huang received the BS degree in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University, Taiwan, R. O. C., in 1986, and the MS and Ph.D. degrees in computer en¬gineering from the University of Southern California, U. S. A., in 1989 and 1994, re¬spectively.
He is currently a professor in the Department of Computer Science and En¬gineering at National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, R. O. C. His research interests include computer architecture, SoC design and infrastructure, design automation, system software, embedded systems, and hardware/software co-design/verification, AIoT, smart aquaculture, science communication. He has actively involved in academic, educational and industrial activities.
大學期間是開發第一版pC ++語言和SIGMA系統團隊的主要成員。
國立清華大學資工系教授,他的論文“Data Distribution Analysis and
Optimization for Pointer-Based Distributed Programs”曾獲得ICPP ’97頒發最
耕獎」。李教授以開發 VLIW DSP編譯器而聞名。從2015年10月到2018年2月,
他參與了新版本的Khronos OpenCL提案和OpenCL DSP Profile提案。目前,他領
Jenq-Kuen Lee received the B.S. degree in computer science from National
Taiwan University in 1984. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 1991
and 1992, respectively, in computer science from Indiana University. He is
now a professor in the Department of Computer Science at National Tsing-
Hua University, Taiwan, where he joined the Department in 1992. He was a
key member of the team who developed the first version of the pC++
language and SIGMA system while at Indiana University. He was a recipient
of the most original paper award in ICPP ’97 with the paper entitled “Data
Distribution Analysis and Optimization for Pointer-Based Distributed
Programs”. His supervised Ph.D. student received the distinguished
dissertation award as honorable mention by IICM, 1999. He received an
achievement award from MOE of Taiwan for University and Industrial joint
research, 2001. He received a Google research award 2009. In addition, he is
a recipient of Taiwan MOEA economic contribution award (Deep Plow Award),
2010. He is known to develop a PAC VLIW DSP compiler. From Oct. 2015 to
Feb. 2018, he participated in the new version of Khronos OpenCL proposals
with OpenCL DSP Profile Proposals. Currently, he leads a research team for
the effort to develop AI compilers with RISC-V with SIMD computations. His
current research interests include optimizing compilers, embedded multicore
compilers and systems, and computer architectures.
陳添福教授專長於處理器架構及AI軟硬體系統,在國際計算機結構與嵌入式系統領域享有盛名,論文累計cited 超過2800多次,論文亦為工業界達30幾篇專利所引用。曾負責科技部多項整合型計畫總主持人,帶領研究團隊於榮獲「國科科會整合型績優計畫獎」。過去在擔任國網中心副主任期間,帶領團隊負責建置國內最大臺灣杉二號AI大型主機並開發創新服務。目前擔任台灣AI晶片聯盟「AI系統軟體」分項召集人,整合國內近30家IC設計公司,協力開發AI系統軟體與介面標準。
Prof. Tien-Fu Chen’s research interests are on computer architectures and AI system design. He is internationally recognized for contributions on scalable computing architectures, memory design, and embedded systems optimization. He published several widely‐cited top-tier international papers (2800+ Google citations) and even more several papers were cited by 30+ industrial patents. As Deputy Director, National Center for High‐Performance Computing, he led a team to build the largest scale AI sever cluster, TAIWANIA II. Currently he serves as a chair of the AI System SIG in the AI on Chip Taiwan Alliance (AITA). The primary mission is to foster a truly vertical integration in the AI system industry and set up an AI design and verification platform so that its members can take a reference for their product development.
▸ Education:
1993 PhD, University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A.
▸ Research Interests
Computer architecture
AI accelerator, SIMT GPGPU
ESL system and SoC system integration
Fault-tolerant computing system
▸ Experience
1986~1987 Engineer, Philips Electronics, Inc. Taiwan
1989~1993 Research assistant, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington
1993~1997 Associate professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, National Yunlin Institute of Technology
1997~1999 Associate professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
1999~2006 Associate professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
2006~ present Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
2011~2012 IEEE Circuit and System Society Tainan Chapter Chair
2012~ present 國際電機電子工程師學會中華民國第一分會常務理事
2014-2017 Director, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
2020-present, Deputy Section Chair, IEEE Tainan section
▸ 學歷:
1993 華盛頓大學電機博士
▸ 經歷:
1986~1987 台灣飛利浦電子工程師
1989~1993 華盛頓大學電機系研究助理
1993~1997 國立雲林技術學院電子系副教授
1997~1999 國立雲林科技大學電子系副教授
1999~2006 國立成功大學電機系副教授
2006~ 迄今 國立成功大學電機系教授
2011~2012 IEEE Circuit and System Society Tainan Chapter Chair
2012~ 迄今 國際電機電子工程師學會中華民國第一分會常務理事
2014~ 迄今 國立成功大學電腦與通信工程研究所所長
▸ 研究專長:
VLSI 晶片設計
SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, Syracuse, NY Master of Science in Electrical and Computer
Had over a decade working experience in both system development and Integrated
Circuit industries.
Frequently discuss the security threat and how to effectively implement Secure
Silicon IP and Software solutions into SOC and end devices to customers.
SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, Syracuse, NY Master of Science in Electrical and Computer
蔡本中(Ben Tsai) 是瑞典商IAR Systems台灣區應用工程師,負責對台灣地區客戶技術支援及開
發新應用、新市場,及新產品需求,協助推廣嵌入式集成開發工具Embedded Workbench到相
關的產業,涵蓋ARM/RISC-V C/C++編譯器、程式優化、功能安全、以及IP安全保護。在電子產
Ben Tsai is a field application engineer of IAR Systems Taiwan and he is responsible for the technical
support and development of new applications, new markets, and new products in Taiwan. IAR
Embedded Workbench is a leading integrated development environment for the embedded system.
It provides C/C++ compiler that generates the fastest performing, most compact code in the industry
for ARM/RISC-V based applications. IAR also provides certified editions of IAR Embedded Workbench
for functional safety and a security development tool that works as an extension to IAR Embedded
Workbench and enables you to easily protect an existing or new application, without having to
master the deeper complexities of security. Ben Tsai has 20 years of programming experience. He
received his master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from National Tsing Hua University.
Powerchip Technology Corporation (PTC) was founded in HsinChu Science Park in December 1994. An 8-inch fab was completed in 1996, and DRAM production commenced.
In 2002, the first 12-inch fab began production. Eventually PTC expanded to three 12-inch fabs with a total monthly capacity of 100,000 wafers. In 2015, PTC signed an agreement with HeFei City in China establishing a joint venture, Nexchip Semiconductor Corporation (NSC), and setting up a new 12-inch fab in the local area. The fab began production in 2017.
In 2008 Powerchip’s 8-inch fab was spun off as Maxchip Electronics Corp. and entered the foundry business market. In 2018, Maxchip was renamed Powerchip Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp.
PTC has successfully transformed from a DRAM manufacturer into a foundry service provider. To further affirm its market positioning, in May 2019 PTC transferred related assets and business of its three 12-inch fabs in Taiwan to Powerchip Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp. Subsequent foundry business activities in Taiwan, including wafer fabrication and sales, shall be executed by Powerchip Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp.
After restructuring was completed, Powerchip Technology Corp. became a high-tech holding company. PTC invests in Powerchip Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp., Taiwan and Nexchip Semiconductor Corp., China.
AndeStar™ 基礎的主流CPU供應商。為了滿足當今電子設備的苛刻要求,晶心提
About Andes Technology
Andes Technology Corporation is a public listed company with well-established
technology and teams to develop innovative high-performance/low-power 32/64-bit
processor cores and associated development environment to serve worldwide
rapidly growing embedded system applications.
The company delivers the best super low power CPU cores, including the new RISC-V
series with integrated development environment and associated software and
hardware solutions for efficient SoC design. Up to the end of 2019, the cumulative
volume of Andes-Embedded™ SoCs has reached 5 billion.
To meet the demanding requirements of today's electronic devices, Andes
Technology delivers configurable software/hardware IP and scalable platforms to
respond to customers' needs for quality products and faster time-to-market. Andes
Technology's comprehensive CPU includes entry-level, mid-range, high-end,
extensible and security families to address the full range of embedded electronics
products, especially for connected, smart and green applications. From 2017, Andes
expands its product line to RISC-V processors and provides a total solution in V5
family cores, including N22, N25F/NX25F, D25F, A25/AX25, A25MP/AX25MP,
A27/AX27/NX27V, A45/D45/N45 and AX45/DX45/NX45.
For more information about Andes Technology, please visit
芯原是一家為客戶提供平臺化、全方位、一站式晶片定制服務和半導體IP授權服務的企業,在芯原獨有的晶片設計平臺即服務(Silicon Platform as a Service, SiPaaS)經營模式下,通過基於公司自主半導體IP搭建的技術平臺,芯原可在短時間內打造出從定義到測試封裝完成的半導體產品,為包含晶片設計公司、半導體垂直整合製造商(IDM)、系統廠商和大型互聯網公司在內的各種客戶提供高效經濟的半導體產品替代解決方案。
VeriSilicon is committed to providing customers with platform-based, all-round, one-stop custom silicon services and semiconductor IP licensing services leveraging its in-house semiconductor IP. Under the unique "Silicon Platform as a Service" (SiPaaS) business model, depending on the comprehensive IP portfolio, VeriSilicon can create silicon products from definition to test and package in a short period of time, and provides high performance and cost-efficient semiconductor alternative products for IDM, Fabless, system vendors (OEM/ODM) and large Internet companies.
VeriSilicon presents a variety of customized silicon solutions, including high-definition video, high-definition audio and voice, In-Vehicle Infotainment, video surveillance, IoT connectivity, data center, etc. In addition, VeriSilicon has five types of in-house processor IPs, namely GPU IP, NPU IP, VPU, DSP IP and ISP IP, and more than 1,400 analog and mixed signal IPs and RF IPs.
Founded in 2001, and headquartered in Shanghai, China, VeriSilicon has 5 design and R&D centers in China and the United States, as well as 10 sales and customer service offices worldwide. VeriSilicon currently has more than 1000 employees.
Mentor, a Siemens Business 是電子硬體和軟體設計解決方案 (EDA; Electronic Design Automation) 的全球領導者,為世界上最成功的通信、半導體、電腦、消費電子、汽車電子和國防軍工公司提供優質產品、諮詢服務和支援, 可加快客戶電子及機械產品的研發速度,提高產品品質,增加成本效益。工程師可借助公司不斷推出的新產品及解決方案,以應對日趨複雜的電路板及晶片設計領域所面臨的挑戰。Mentor, a Siemens Business 擁有行業內最為豐富的頂級產品線,提供完整的SOC/IC/FPGA/PCB/SI設計工具和服務,並且是唯一一家擁有嵌入式軟體解決方案的EDA公司。
訪問我們的網站以獲取更多訊息: www.mentor.com
Mentor, a Siemens Business, is a world leader in electronic hardware and software design solutions, providing products, consulting services, and award-winning support for the world’s most successful electronic, semiconductor, and systems companies. More information,
please visit our website: www.mentor.com
數據. 快速. 安全
Rambus是一家領先的Silicon IP和芯片提供商,可以使數據更快,更安全。我們致力於為客戶提供首批上市的高質量存儲器,SerDes和嵌入式安全解決方案。在我們30年的歷史中,Rambus以創新和IP解決方案引領行業,解決了尖端計算系統所面臨的基本挑戰。
Rambus is a premier silicon IP and chip provider that makes data faster and safer. We are dedicated to delivering first-to-market, high-quality memory, SerDes, and embedded security solutions for our customers. Throughout our 30-year history, Rambus has led the industry with innovations and IP solutions that solve the fundamental challenges faced by leading-edge computing systems.